UVA URSI (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

Uva Ursi, also known as bearberry, is a medicinal herb that has been used for centuries for its many health benefits. It is native to North America, where indigenous people have used it for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.


Herbal Actions:

Uva Ursi is known for its antiseptic and diuretic properties, making it a popular herb for treating urinary tract infections. Its antibacterial properties help to kill harmful bacteria in the urinary tract, while its diuretic properties help to flush out toxins and excess fluids from the body. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it helpful for reducing inflammation in the bladder and urinary tract. 


The name “bearberry” comes from the fact that bears are known to eat the berries of the plant. In Native American folklore, it is said that the plant was given to humans by the Great Spirit as a gift to help them heal from illness. It was also used in ceremonial rituals as a purifying herb.



In terms of energetics, Uva Ursi is considered to be cooling and drying. This means that it helps to reduce heat and inflammation in the body, and also helps to dry up excess fluids. It is often used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to help clear dampness and heat from the body.


Spiritual References:

Uva Ursi is also known for its spiritual properties. In some cultures, it is believed to have protective powers and is used in spiritual cleansing rituals to ward off negative energies. It is also used in meditation and spiritual practices to help promote inner peace and clarity of mind. Overall, Uva Ursi is a powerful medicinal herb that offers many health benefits. Its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic properties make it a popular herb for treating urinary tract infections, while its cooling and drying properties help to reduce inflammation and promote overall wellness. Additionally, its spiritual properties make it a valuable herb for promoting spiritual well-being and protection

UVA URSI  (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

Family: Ericaceae 

Parts Used: Aerial parts

Taste: Astringent, Pungent.


Herbal Actions: Antiseptic, Astringent.

Antiseptic: Uva-Ursi contains chemicals that are antiseptic through a chemical conversion post-digestion which aids the body in strengthening its own resistance while

directly inhibiting/killing pathogens. While the property is most notable within the urinary tract, it can also be used for systemic infections, the upper respiratory, and the digestive system.


Astringent: The astringent action is predominantly due to part of the category of constituents called tannins. The biochemical effect of tannins is that they knit proteins together, increasing the tightness or tone of the tissues by bringing them closer together. This is why they tend to have a distinct puckering sensation in your mouth and tend to make you feel more dry. Tannins are essentially inhibiting the mucosal membranes from secreting their fluids.

Affinities: Mucosal Membranes: This is associated with its actions on the GI and the urinary tract, which also extends to the upper respiratory tract and the treatment of excess mucous/catarrh that has become stagnant and stuck. The impact on the mucosal membranes is due to its astringent action from the tannins which tighten and tones all mucosa that Uva-Ursi comes in contact with.

Energetics: Cooling, Dry, Stimulating


Specific Indications

A thick white coated tongue indicates cold mild red/orange/brown indicates heat. If there is accumulated damp/stagnation, the tongue will be moist, skin pale. When I think of Uva Ursi I think of it as an herbal antibiotic. It’s so hard to put it in that category as plants are so much more than that however it’s the closest thing we got! Fighting off all pathogens yet raising our resistance to those foreign invaders.

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